Processing credit card payments can be complicated. And while using your local bank as your credit card processor may seem like a good idea, it can turn out to be a big mistake. Banks often work with a single vendor, which means they only have one solution – right or wrong. In addition to charging retail rates and locking you into a long-term contract with hidden fees, chances are credit card processing is not your bank’s core business.
At Harlan Davis, we don’t provide just any Payments processing solution – we make sure it’s the right solution for your business.
Founder and President, Scott H. Wagner – an ETA Certified Payments Professional™ (CPP) with over 30 years of industry experience – partners with some of the top processors in the country to make sure you have a choice when it comes to Payments processing. Whether you’re large or small, new in business or well established, and no matter what your business type – we help you reduce the cost of credit card processing by analyzing your current offering, listening to your needs, providing wholesale pricing, and, when appropriate, detailing the benefits of a Cash Discount program. For sure, you can always count on:
• NO Leasing
• NO Junk Fees
• NO Rate Creep
• NO Processor Contract
Harlan Davis specializes in matching each customer with a credit card processing solution that’s right for them. With our simple 3-step process, we zero in on exactly what your business needs to deliver fast, reliable, and secure Payments processing.
Step 1: Consult Tell us about your current payments process. What is and isn’t working? What’s on your wish list? We listen, refine your feedback, and assess your specific needs.
Step 2: Educate We identify the best processing solutions, equipment, and other technology for your business, and guide you in making an educated choice.
Step 3: Support You give us some basic information, and we handle all the heavy lifting from there – from expediting approval to equipment set-up and deploying your new payments solution. And we’re always here to answer your questions.
With all of the Payments processing options available today, no business should be settling for less or staying in a processing relationship that isn’t working. Our goal is to create long-term customer relationships by earning your trust, delivering superior customer service, and setting industry standards for fairness, honesty, and transparency.
Call us today to discuss secure payment options for you and your customers – (888) BIZ-2004.